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Graffiti Buster Community Packs

Empowering your Community 
to fight graffiti vandalism

Graffiti Removal Kit. How to remove graffiti






The quickest and easiest way for rapid removal of graffiti.
contents include:
1 Canister of SupaSafe EzyWipes 
1 Bottle SupaSafe Black Graffiti Remover
1 Nylon Bristle Paint Brush & 1 Nylon Bristle Scrub Brush
1 Pair Chemical Resistant Gloves
1 Pair Safety Glasses, Saline Eye Rinse, Cleaning Cloth,
Trigger Mechanism for the bottle
Instruction Sheet, Safety Data Sheets
 10 Graffiti Buster Supa Packs per Carton 

Graffiti Buster Supapack. Graffiti Removal Kits


The most cost-effective solution for rapid removal of graffiti.
contents include:
1 Bottle SupaSafe Black Graffiti Remover
1 Nylon Bristle Paint Brush & 1 Nylon Bristle Scrub Brush
1 Pair Chemical Resistant Gloves
1 Pair Safety Glasses, Saline Eye Rinse, Cleaning Cloth,
Trigger Mechanism for the bottle
Instruction Sheet, Safety Data Sheets
10 Graffiti Buster Budget Packs per Carton 


Graffiti Buster Budget Pack. Graffiti Removal Kits


Watch Our
"Graff Attack Pack" in action

Graff Attack

The most cost-effective solution for rapid removal of graffiti
in a handy 5lt "tamper-proof" Bucket.
contents include:

1 Bottle SupaSafe Black Graffiti Remover
1 Nylon Bristle Paint Brush & 1 Nylon Bristle Scrub Brush
1 Pair Chemical Resistant Gloves
1 Pair Safety Glasses, Saline Eye Rinse, Cleaning Cloth,
Instruction Sheet, Safety Data Sheets
 12 Graff Attack Packs per Carton 


Graff Attack Pack. Graffiti Removal Kits

Call us now
1300 59 77 80

"The City of Yarra was so confident in Graffiti Removal Chemicals products that we asked them to develop their products into "kit form" in 2008 for our residents and Volunteer Groups.
With the free training provided, the uptake of our Kits has been incredible. Our residents are reporting great results. Brilliant."
Engineering Dept. City of Yarra

"Our residents and volunteer groups have really embraced your Graffiti Removal Kit.
So easy to use. Made a big difference to our City"
City of Glen Eira

"Thank you Port Phillip for providing me with the
SupaSafe Pack. I removed the graffiti from my fence in no time.
It was easier than I  thought"
Emily, Port Melbourne

Graffiti Removal Chemicals. Graffiti Removal Kits. Graffiti Removal Pack.

Working together, we can all make a difference.
"Love Your Neighbourhood"

How to remove graffiti with our EzyClean Graffiti Removal Kits

How to create a successful and on-going Volunteer Group to combat graffiti vandalism in your municipality.

Let's face it, graffiti is a 'Community Problem' that Councils have been lumbered with.

We can help!

One of the most challenging problems Councils face with Graffiti Removal Volunteer Kits is achieving a sustainable uptake. 
Since 2006, Graffiti Removal Chemicals have been supplying Municipal Councils with our Graffiti Removal Kit. There is a popular perception that "Council should remove all graffiti".
The most successful uptake with Councils we deal with has been through some of the following channels:
  • Integrating our EzyClean Graffiti Removal Kit with our SupaSafe Graffiti Removal Product into Council sponsored festivals.

  • Carrying our EzyClean "Graffiti Buster" Community Packs with our SupaSafe Graffiti Removal Product on Council Crew Vehicle....."Sorry Mrs. Jones, we only remove from Council assets, however we can give you one of these Kits which are free of charge and we'll show you how to use it"

  • Contacting Neighborhood Watch groups and offering a "Free Information Session" to which a representative from Graffiti Removal Chemicals will attend, demonstrate and answer any queries.

  • Advertising through the Council Website or any Newsletter Publications.

  • Making our EzyClean "Graffiti Buster" Removal Packs with our SupaSafe Graffiti Removal Product available from multiple locations (Council Customer Service Centre & Works Depot)

Over the last 13 years, some of the most successful programs have incorporated the above points. The positive feedback we receive from

different Volunteer Groups & Residents is that they are taking ownership of their environment and are proud of their efforts.

Create that "sense of pride" with these groups and they will vote with their feet.

Contact Greg at Graffiti Removal Chemicals 1300 59 77 80 to discuss

how we can assist you in sustaining a successful Volunteer Program

How to remove graffiti. Graffiti Removal products. Graffiti Removal Chemicals.
How to remove graffiti. Graffiti Removal Products. Graffiti Removal Chemicals. EzyClean
Graffiti Removal Products. Graffiti Removal Chemicals. How to remove graffiti.
Graffiti Removal Products. Graffiti Removal Chemicals. Graffiti Removal Kits. Remove Graffiti
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